"Welcome to the Funeral Home. Press '1' if your loved one has passed away..." - 3 situations that require human customer service - no robots!

"Welcome to the Funeral Home. Press '1' if your loved one has passed away..." - 3 situations that require human customer service - no robots!

In this age of modern technology, many call centres now rely on automated systems to manage their customer calls and enquiries. These bots can answer basic questions, solve basic issues and provide customers with more information. But undeniably there are times when an automated system just won't do. In fact, here are just three situations that require real human customer service.

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Showing empathy over the phone - tips for contact centres and telephone answering services

Showing empathy over the phone - tips for contact centres and telephone answering services

There will be many times in your career where a customer will call you while needing emotional support. Whether your business is funeral call handling, or you're helping clients during their times of need, staff who are answering the phones and helping these clients need to ensure that they understand the situation at hand

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Things to Consider Before Getting into the Funeral Business

Things to Consider Before Getting into the Funeral Business

If there is one thing we’ve learned from working alongside funeral directors and providing them with call centre services, it’s just how incredible the funeral business is. Many funeral directors speak about how their line of work was not quite what they expected when getting started, with many wishing they many some of the following considerations before getting into the funeral business:

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4 needs your funeral services customer has, and how great customer service can meet them

4 needs your funeral services customer has, and how great customer service can meet them

If you're a customer-facing business, then you will know what it's like trying to meet every one of your customer's needs over the phone - and this is tenfold when it comes to sensitive topics and subjects such as those related to the funeral market, which can leave the people you work with feeling more vulnerable and uncomfortable than they would in a typical customer service situation.

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3 tips for rewarding conversations with your customers

3 tips for rewarding conversations with your customers

Many people assume that contacting a business will be met with dull, unenthusiastic call centre agents. However, the right agents for your business should offer a positive experience for all callers. Handling customer calls should always be done with care, especially in funeral call handling or other sensitive circumstances. Here are three tips to ensure that your customers find their conversation helpful and rewarding.

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Is your business meeting customer expectations?

Is your business meeting customer expectations?

Loyal customers are the beating heart of any business; they are what help keep it alive. Creating happy customers who will stick by your brand and use your time and time again requires a lot more than offering great products or service. It comes down to their customer service experience, especially the way their calls are handled when they have a problem or enquiry. With that in mind, it's time to consider whether your contact centre, and therefore your business, is meeting the following customer expectations.

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3 worst ways to handle angry customers

3 worst ways to handle angry customers

When it comes to customer service you may often find yourself on the receiving end of angry customers. For contact centre staff, it is particularly likely that you'll experience this anger, and it's essential to know how to handle it. Anger manifests for various reasons, from complaints about a service or product to grief and sadness. With that in mind, it's important to understand that no two customers are the same, but the way you handle them must always use the same care. There is much advice on the best ways to deal with angry customers, but there are also some things to avoid at all costs.

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3 ways outsourced customer service benefits your customers

3 ways outsourced customer service benefits your customers

Some people may argue that in-house customer service is the best way to support customers. But when it comes to the busiest periods of the year - or sudden growth in your customer base - it can be difficult to provide the same reaction time and consistent quality that can be provided by an outsourced customer service. Here are four great reasons to outsource your customer support...

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A funeral call handling service will revitalise your business

A funeral call handling service will revitalise your business

Working in the funeral service business, your priority is always your customers and supporting them in their hour of need. The best way to do that is to be there for them, and being as hands-on as you can. Customers value your close attention, and as word spreads of your excellent customer service, it’s sure to boost your reputation. The problem is that modern life places so many demands on your time, there are rarely enough pairs of hands available to help out, especially at your busiest times. That’s where our specialist funeral call handling service can help your business, freeing you up to be with your customers.

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How to personalise customer service communication

How to personalise customer service communication

When customers contact your business you must ensure that the highest levels of customer service are maintained at all times. It may seem easier to make a personal connection with your customer during a face to face interaction, but this can and must be done over the phone as well. Here are some tips on how to personalise customer service communication, for happier customers and business success.

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