A funeral call handling service will revitalise your business

Working in the funeral service business, your priority is always your customers and supporting them in their hour of need. The best way to do that is to be there for them, and being as hands-on as you can. Customers value your close attention, and as word spreads of your excellent customer service, it’s sure to boost your reputation. The problem is that modern life places so many demands on your time, there are rarely enough pairs of hands available to help out, especially at your busiest times. That’s where our specialist funeral call handling service can help your business, freeing you up to be with your customers.

We buy you time

We know you want to answer every call, whatever the time of day, because there’s someone in need at the other end of the line. However, if you’re having to leave customers unattended to answer a ringing phone, or having out of hours calls diverted to your home, your family and your customers are not going to be impressed. Allow our specialist staff to give you back your time and deal with the telephone calls.

We know what to say

One of the great things about our funeral call handling staff is that they’re specifically trained to deal with the delicate nature of calls which funeral businesses are expected to answer. You could hire a generic answering service, who will also take calls for plumbers, hairdressers and accountants, but there’s no way you could guarantee that those non-specialist staff would have the same level of skill which you need. Our professional and caring call handlers will give customers the right impression of your business.

We save you money

Not only can a service like ours save you time, it also saves you money. Do you really need a full-time receptionist? A permanent receptionist will require a full-time salary, as well as holiday allowances, training, induction and out of hours payments if you need them to be available to answer the phone outside of normal business hours. If all your receptionist is going to do is answer the phone or deal with queries, this is something an outsourced customer service professional could do for you, for a fraction of the cost.

We stop you missing calls

Everyone misses calls, even at home. However, in the funeral service world, a missed call could mean missed business. Potential customers will simply move on to the next funeral service on their list and take their business there. Our call handlers are there 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and with multiple staff available, we can even handle calls from more than one of your customers at a time.

While trusting your business phone calls to an outsourced call handling centre may seem a bit alien at first, we’re sure you and your customers will soon see the benefits of using a specialist funeral call handling service, allowing you to focus on making your business the very best it can be. Contact Frontline today.