4 ways to demonstrate empathy and compassion over the phone

4 ways to demonstrate empathy and compassion over the phone

Having compassion is so important when funeral call handling; you want to make the process of arranging a funeral as painless as possible for your customer, and therefore need to show them that you genuinely care about their loss.

Nevertheless, after growing accustomed to dealing with a number of grieving people, it's understandable that being empathetic may not come as easily as it used to. In trying to emotionally detach yourself, you may have forgotten just how much upset, pain and anger your clients might be experiencing. Here's how to show you really do care.

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Top call centre customer frustrations and how to avoid them

Top call centre customer frustrations and how to avoid them

We’ve all experienced the frustration of calling a call centre to fix an issue, only to get stuck in a queue, get put on hold, and finally speak to an advisor who doesn’t want to listen and does not understand your problem. Contacting call centres can be exasperating and if the customer experiences any of these problems, they may move their business away from you to a competitor. Take heed of our top tips on how to avoid these issues and provide your customer with the best level of service possible

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How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Three

How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Three

Change is difficult. Especially in an industry with a reputation for exceptional customer service, tradition, family and respect. We understand this. We are a small family business. Our team understand that even entertaining the thought of another company handling their customer’s enquiries can be difficult.

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How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Two

How to outsource your funeral calls – a step-by-step guide - Part Two

The most powerful and essential stage of any on-boarding is managing the expectations of what is and isn't possible. Live call listening is a great leveller. And, in most cases It proves our team, knowledge and experience to be far beyond the preconceived thoughts of the participant.  

From here we sit down with a big piece of paper and sketched out the first call process, the procedure for chapel visits, how to respond to arrangement requests…

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