Handling sensitive calls with care

If you have a business that receives many sensitive phone calls (like a funeral service provider for example) and your customer base is growing, you might have dismissed the option of employing a telephone answering service for fear that calls will not be fielded with appropriate care and understanding.

It is an understandable concern, but not one which should prevent you from going ahead. It just means that when you do your research to find the best telephone answering service for your business, you need to know exactly what you are looking for.

Paving the way for a productive, meaningful conversation

When people contact companies that offer services in a sensitive field, they are often highly stressed, and sometimes quite nervous. Having their call taken in an empathetic but professional manner is essential. It puts the caller at ease and paves the way for a productive and more meaningful conversation.

All too often, callers are already irate even before they make their call. Sometimes, a caller wants to vent his or her feelings and is purely out for a fight. Some callers may, for example, be frustrated with an IT problem and they are ready to explode.

Your business reputation is at stake

Any good telephone answering service should be able to deal with these sorts of callers as a matter of course. However, you can’t afford to take any chances. After all, it is your business reputation we’re talking about here, and the loyalty of your clients.

Checking out the credentials of a telephone answering service

Of course, whether it’s funeral call handling, or first line IT support, any top telephone answering service will have a page on their website dedicated to client recommendations or success stories. Recommendations can be falsified of course, so it’s best to only rely on those posted via a reliable medium, such as Trustpilot. Success stories usually carry the clients’ names, so they are easily verified.

If you want to ensure that your sensitive calls are handled with care and understanding, contact Frontline, the customer communications specialists, today.