4 rules to follow when handling sensitive enquiries

Handling customer calls can be an unpredictable business, regardless of the sector you work in. Telephone lines are often abuzz at a rate that is hard to handle, meaning contact centres need to act quickly and efficiently, while also treating the customer with respect and professionalism.

However, if you work in a sector that requires a more empathetic approach - such as care work or funeral services - or have a sensitive issue to deal with in general, prioritising speed and efficiency with customer calls can be difficult.

Here are the four must-follow rules for dealing with a sensitive enquiry:

1. Have a special flag system for calls of a sensitive nature

The system should alert a more senior figure to the nature of the call, so they can monitor the conversation and ensure the issue is dealt with appropriately. This is also useful for making notes on the issue and ensuring you have all the correct facts before taking the next steps.

2. Give a process sheet to all operatives

Have a process sheet available for all contact centre operatives with important questions, contacts and tips for every type of sensitive call that they could receive. Having a one-stop file that contact centre operatives can refer to reduces the risk of upsetting the customer further or dealing with their enquiry incorrectly.

3. Regularly test staff

If you oversee telephone operations, regularly test the quality of communication skills amongst staff with mystery shopping or random observations. This can highlight particular weaknesses and inform you of how best to improve your staff's skills.

4. The 'human before business' model

Adopt the 'human before business' model of practice fully. If contact centre staff are conditioned to engage with their caller on a human level before deciding the best route of action regarding business, they will follow this model when dealing with sensitive issues too. It looks good on business and makes customers feel valued.

Navigating the emotions of a caller is tough, and if you get regular enquiries via telephone, it can feel overwhelming. If you struggle with the demand, contact Frontline and we can help your business by outsourcing your customer support services to our 24/7 contact centres.